Software Engineering with Kant:

Priciples of a constructivist modelling approach

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Author: Marco C. Bettoni

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Parts of the workshop


The software crisis

Automated problem solving

Gaps in software practice

Immanuel Kant

Age of Reason

Publications by Immanuel Kant

Critique of pure reason - Main parts

Kant's terminology

My Kant

Message 1: "The established theory (explanation) of modelling in SW-Engineering is a mapping/correspondence theory."

Dilemma of mapping theories

Modelling in SW-Engineering

Questions of SW-Engineering

Explanations of SW-Engineering

Message 2: "With Kant we can move modelling from a mapping/correspondence theory (duplication 'outside -> inside' and correspondence) to a coherence/viability theory."

Modelling in Kant's theory

Kant's Architecture of Mind

Kant's Dissection of Knowing

Kant's Principles of Modelling

Message 3: "Our explanations of modelling do not match our doings of this modelling in sw-engineering"

Illusions of SW-Engineering

Key claims

5 Columns of SW-Engineering with Kant

  ©1995, Marco C. Bettoni, FHBB - 24.10.01 - 25.10.01