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- where are treated in Kant's work the questions of modelling ?
- fundamental and systematic treatement in KrV
- purpose of the KrV:
- [Letter to Markus Hertz, 21.2.1772]: Kant sees the key to the secrets of metaphysics in the answer to the question, on which ground is founded the relation between the mental product in us ('Vorstellung in uns') and the object.
- core of KrV:
- [B 90]: "By 'analytic of concepts' I do not understand ... dissecting the contents [of concepts] ... but the ... dissection of the faculty of the understanding ..." [B 90].
- [B 171]: "The Analytic of Principles will ... be a canon ...for judgement, instructing it how to apply to appearances the concepts of understanding ..."
- state of the art:
- [KrV, A X]: "And now, after all methods, so people want to believe, have been tried in vain, the prevailing mood is that of weariness and complete indifferentism, ..."
- this was the state of metaphysics before Kant and it has lapsed back into the same state after Kant.
- four themes of KrV relevant to our questions:
A. 'Copernican Revolution'
B. Mechanisms of Synthesis
C. (Objectivity): objectivity in parentheses ('Gegenstandsbezug')
D. Use of Synthesis: Schematism, Principles