Marco Bettoni - FFHS & WeKnow
Aktuelles 2004 / Current Events 2004 / Novità 2004
- -
see also 1980-1986, 1987-1993, 1994-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
December 04
Projects - E-Learning M.Bettoni: dLCMS
- dynamic Learning Content Management System (Zwischenbericht,
pdf, 77 KB) |
November 04 - 2
Risiko-Prognose |
November 04 - 1 |
9. Forum Knowledge Management - Corso di formazione M.Bettoni: Gestire la conoscenza con le
comunità di pratica: l'esperienza di CPsquare |
September 04
Psychologie des Wissensmanagements
- Perspektiven, Theorien und Methoden Bettoni, M., Clases, C. & Wehner, T.
"Communities of Practice im Wissensmanagement: Charakteristika,
Initiierung und Gestaltung." (Einleitung
& Literatur pdf, 20 KB) |
August 04
Wissens- und
Know-how-Management |
July 04
Projects - E-Learning Project
Title: dLCMS
- dynamic Learning Content Management System
June 04
HRM 2004
- International
conference on Human resource management in a knowledge-based economy, 2-4 June
2004, |
Mai - June 04
Discussions on CPsquare
- May
17 to June 26, 2004 |
Mai 04
6th EU Framework Programme
for Research and Technological Development (FP6) Project title: Understanding
Sustainable Innovation Processes in European SMEs (SUSIN) M. Bettoni has contributed for ETH
Zürich (Institute of Work Psychology) in preparing
this proposal to the above part of FP6 together with:
Fundecvt (Spain), IAT (University of Stuttgart), Vilnius University,
BIBA (Univ. of Bremen), University of Nottingham, Technology Transfer
Centre (Cracow University of Technology) |
April 04
6th EU Framework Programme
for Research and Technological Development (FP6) Project title: Enhancing
Russian SME collaboration and business development through Communities
of Practice (RUSMECO) M. Bettoni has contributed in
preparing this (anonymous) proposal to the above part of FP6 together
with: five Universities (3 from Russia), two
Research Institutes (1 from Russia) and four industrial partner (3 from
Russia). |
Februar 04
Kaliningrad, Russland - Seminar "Die
gegenwärtige Bedeutung der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. Zum
Gedenken an seinen 200. Todestag".
Kaliningrad/Königsberg, 12.-13. Februar 2004