Marco Bettoni - FFHS  & WeKnow

Aktuelles 2004  / Current Events 2004 / Novità 2004

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Marco Bettoni - Basel - 22.10.2003

 see also 1980-1986, 1987-1993, 1994-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 20052006, 2007, 2008, 20092010, 2011, 2012201320142015


December 04

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  Projects - E-Learning

M.Bettoni:  dLCMS - dynamic Learning Content Management System  (Zwischenbericht, pdf, 77 KB)

 November 04 - 2  

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Welche Risiko-Themen sind in den kommenden 5 Jahren zu erwarten?

M. Bettoni: "Risiken-Regelkreis. Eine kybernetisch-systemische Prognose" (Text & Diagramm, html, 85 KB)

November 04 - 1

9. Forum Knowledge Management - Corso di formazione

M.Bettoni: Gestire la conoscenza con le comunità di pratica: l'esperienza di CPsquare
18-19 Novembre 2004, Rapallo, Italia (Slides, Introduzione, Risultati, html)



 September 04  

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Psychologie des Wissensmanagements - Perspektiven, Theorien und Methoden
Reinmann, G. & Mandl, H. (Hrsg.). Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2004.

Bettoni, M., Clases, C. & Wehner, T. "Communities of Practice im Wissensmanagement: Charakteristika, Initiierung und Gestaltung." (Einleitung & Literatur pdf, 20 KB)

 August 04  

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Wissens- und Know-how-Management
 Vertiefungsrichtung WKM im NDS Prozess-Management FH - Zentrum für Prozessgestaltung Aargau - FHA
 Samstag, 20. August 2004, Brugg-Windisch - 6 Lektionen (Cover pdf, 17KB; Intro pdf, 20 KB)

July 04


  Projects - E-Learning

Project Title: dLCMS - dynamic Learning Content Management System         
Project stage: Continuation in 2004-2005 of initial project 2001-2003 (prototype development)
Encourage reuse of e-learning material  by means of small modular units called Learning Objects.
Objectives: Evaluation and implementation of the system (method and tool) for supporting the development and
effective handling of small modular Learning Objects (dLCMS-Method and dLCMS-Tool).

M. Bettoni will support from July to December 2004  the dLCMS-Team by evaluating the system in a number of field tests with pilot users within 4 different departments of ETH Zürich.


June 04


HRM 2004 - International conference on Human resource management in a knowledge-based economy, 2-4 June 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia
M. Bettoni: Communities of Practice as a Way to a More Human-Oriented Knowledge Management (abstract & slides HTML, paper HTML, 94 KB )

Mai - June 04

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Discussions on CPsquare - May 17 to June 26, 2004
Subject: Research project by Etienne Wenger entitled "Learning for a small planet."
Project aims: This project will expand the framework of communities of practice. It is a long-term project to look at issues of learning capability both from the standpoint of individual identities and large-scale learning systems.

M. Bettoni contributed as moderator and participants in the discussions

Mai 04

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6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6)
Thematic priority 3: Nanotechnology and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials,
new production processes and devices

Research Area NMP3: New Production Processes and Devices
Topic 3: Optimising the life- cycle of industrial systems, products and services
InstrumentSpecific Support Action (SSA)

Project title: Understanding Sustainable Innovation Processes in European SMEs (SUSIN)
Submitted: 12 Mai 2004
Aims: To improve the innovation support services and programmes as set up by (regional) governments and industrial associations
Objectives: Provide an enabling environment (tools, services and competencies) for facilitating and promoting the integration of sustainability in the innovation processes of SMEs.

M. Bettoni has contributed for ETH Zürich (Institute of Work Psychology)  in preparing this proposal to the above part of FP6 together with:  Fundecvt (Spain), IAT (University of Stuttgart), Vilnius University, BIBA (Univ. of Bremen), University of Nottingham, Technology Transfer Centre (Cracow University of Technology)

April 04

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6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6)
Thematic priority : Specific measures in support of international co-operation (INCO)
Research Area D: Russia and the other NIS
Topic 2: Adjusting the system of industrial production and communication
InstrumentSpecific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

Project title:  Enhancing Russian SME collaboration and business development through Communities of Practice (RUSMECO)
Submitted: 26 April 2004
Aims: Restructuring the Russian SME industrial sector in order to enhance their competitiveness.
Objectives: To explore and create a collaborative network supporting Russian SMEs in business development and collaboration

M. Bettoni has contributed in preparing this (anonymous) proposal to the above part of FP6 together with:  five Universities (3 from Russia),  two Research Institutes (1 from Russia) and four industrial partner (3 from Russia).

 Februar 04  

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Universität Kaliningrad, Russland - Seminar "Die gegenwärtige Bedeutung der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. Zum Gedenken an seinen 200. Todestag".  Kaliningrad/Königsberg, 12.-13. Februar 2004
M. Bettoni: Kants ‚Analytik der Begriffe’ und ‚Künstliche Kognitive Systeme’ (Abstract HTML, Vortrag pdf, 54 KB)







  ©2004, Marco Bettoni