Marco Bettoni - FFHS  & WeKnow

Aktuelles 2007  / Current Events 2007/ Novità 2007

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  Marco Bettoni - 27. April 2007

see also 1980-1986, 1987-1993, 1994-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 20092010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 20142015


November 07 - 6 Science - Dimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft

Plaudern mit Menschen und Menschenaffen von Robert Czepel (OE1, Redaktion science). Interview über Yerkish mit Marco Bettoni (Abschrift: url, pdf 137 KB. Ausgestrahlt in: OE1, Sendung "Dimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft", Donnerstag, 22. November 2007 19:05 Uhr (Audio stream).

November 07 - 5

Systems Systemics - 3rd International Heinz von Förster-Congress, 16.-18. November 2007, Universität Wien

Bettoni, M. (2007) How to Chat with an Ape: An Introduction to the Yerkish Language. Presentation at the 3rd Heinz von Foerster-Conference, University of Vienna, Nov. 16-18, 2007. Special section on Ernst von Glasersfeld, Systems systemics. Abstract (pdf) & slides (pdf)


November 07 - 4

SFEM 2007 - Swiss Forum for Educational Media

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Schiller, G. (2007). Community-orientierte Strategien zur Integration von Lehre und Forschung. Workshop an der Tagung SFEM 2007, Open Access - Gratiskultur im wissens- und Bildungsbereich, Bern, 15./16. November. SSAB,

November 07 - 3

Constructivist Foundations - An interdisciplinary journal

Bettoni M. (2007) Knowledge as Experiential Reality. Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 3, number 1, November 2007,10-11.

November 07 - 2

edition echoraum - WISDOM

Bettoni M. (2007) The Yerkish Language - From Operational Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication. In: Glanville, R. & Riegler, A. (Eds.) The Importance of Being Ernst. Festschrift  Ernst von Glasersfeld. Vienna: edition echoraum, p. 107-121  (pdf, 157 KB)

November 07 - 1

h.e.p. verlag ag

Bernhard, W. & Bettoni, M. (2007) Wissensnetzwerke – Offene Zusammenarbeit im virtuellen Raum. In: Bergamin, P. & Pfander, G., (Hrsg) Medien im Bildungswesen: Kompetenzen, Organisation, Mehrwert. Bern: h.e.p. Verlag (

Oct. 07

E-LEARN 2007 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education

Bettoni, M. & Bernhard, W. (2007). CoRe – Linking Teaching and Research by a Community-Oriented Strategy.
E-LEARN 2007, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 15-19, 2007. (pdf, 273 KB)

Sept. 07



ECKM 2007 - The 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W., Borter, F., Dönnges, G. (2007). The Yellow Tool – Making Yellow Pages More Social and Visible. Proc. of ECKM 2007, The 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona (CEIB), Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 6-7, 2007 (
pdf, 157 KB)

June 07



JEKPOT - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY - La prima scuola italiana sul knowledge management con certificazione delle competenze.

Bettoni, M. & Schiller, G. (2007) LE COMUNITA' DI PRATICA - COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE. Gestire la conoscenza con le Comunità di pratica - Managing knowledge by Communities of practice.

 April 07


Wissensmanagement - Das Magazin für Führungskräfte

Bettoni M. & Franziska, B. (2007). Wissenskooperation – Gemeinsam zum Erfolg. Wissensmanagement. Das Magazin für Führungskräfte. Heft 3/2007, 28-29. (abstract online / pdf, 108 KB)

 March 07


Constructivist Foundations - An interdisciplinary journal

Bettoni M. (2007). The Yerkish Language - From Operational Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication. Festschrift in honor of Ernst von Glasersfeld.
Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 2, number 2 (pdf, 157 KB)

Feb. 07 -2



KAPPAEMME - Periodico sulla gestione e comunicazione della conoscenza per la competitivita’ delle organizzazioni e la crescita professionale delle persone.

Bettoni, M. & Borter, F. (2007) Knowledge Cooperation – Requisiti per un approccio partecipativo alla gestione della conoscenza, KAPPAEMME, 1, 10-11 (
pdf, 181 KB)

Feb. 07 -1


EJKM - Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management

Bettoni M., Andenmatten S., Mathieu R., Knowledge Cooperation in Online Communities: A Duality of Participation and Cultivation. In: Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management , 5 (1), 1-6. (pdf, 251 KB)

Jan. 07


UnBla 2007 - Regional Innovation Central Switzerland. Lucerne School of Business, Lucerne, Switzerland, 24-26 January 2007

Bettoni M., Andenmatten S. (2007). CoRe - A Community Approach to Research Management. Poster (pdf)


  ©2008, Marco Bettoni