Fragments of my theory of how WE KNOW
- Bettoni, M. (2021) YERKISH: A Visual Language for
Computer-Mediated Communication by an Ape.
and paper.pdf).
Paper presented at DUXU 2021, 10th International Conference, DUXU 2021,
held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021,
Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021.
Published in: Marcelo M. Soares, Elizabeth Rosenzweig and Aaron Marcus
(2021) Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research and
Design. 10th International Conference, DUXU 2021, part of the 23rd HCI
International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021,
Proceedings, Part I, pp. 351--371. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
book series (LNCS, volume 12779). Cham: Springer International
- Bettoni, M. & Castellini, C. (2021)
Interaction in Assistive Robotics: A Radical Constructivist Design
Frontiers in Neurorobotics,
June 2021 | Volume 15 | Article 675657, doi:10.3389/fnbot.2021.675657
- Bettoni, M. (2020) Cybernetics Applied to Plato’s Theory of Forms:
An Experiment.
(abstract.pdf and paper.pdf).
Paper presented in the Special Track on Knowledge and Cognitive Science
and Technologies (KCST 2020) at the 24th World Multi-Conference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2020), September 13 - 16,
2020, online.
Published in: N. Callaos, E. Gaile-Sarkane, J. Horne & B. Sanchez
(eds.) Proc. of the 24th World Multi-Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2020), Vol. III, pp. 131-134.
- Bettoni, M. (2019) Aufmerksamkeitsquanten: Bausteine autonomen und
kreativen Denkens.
In: T. Hug, J. Mitterer & M. Schoner (Eds.) Radikaler
Konstruktivismus. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Innsbruck:
Innsbruck University Press, S. 49-66.
- Bettoni, M. (2018) Diving Deeply into Radical Constructivism.
(article.pdf )
Constructivist Foundations, VOL. 13, No. 2, pp 270-272.
Commentary to: Nowak M., Castellini C. & Massironi C. (2018)
Applying radical constructivism to machine learning: A pilot study in
assistive robotics. Constructivist Foundations 13(2): 250–262.
- Bettoni, M. (2017) Cybernetic Model of Viability (pdf).
- Bettoni, M. (2017) Aufmerksamkeitsquanten: Die Bausteine
autonomen und kreativen Denkens.
(Folien pdf und Text pdf)
Präsentation an der Tagung "Ernst von Glasersfeld 1917–2010. Radikaler
Konstruktivismus: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft", 20.–22. April
2017, Universität Innsbruck, Claudiana, Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3,
Innsbruck -
- Bettoni, M. (2013) "Warum Konstruktivismus?" Antworten auf 10
eingereicht pdf)
Die zusammengefassten Antworten deutschsprachiger Konstruktivisten auf
diese 10 Fragen hätten in der Zeitschrift "Information Philosophie" zum
Thema "Wozu Konstruktivismus?" publiziert werden sollen (was dann nicht
geschah) -
- Bettoni, M. (2013) Ernst von Glasersfeld: A personal note.
Presented at the Inauguration of theErnst-von-Glasersfeld Archive,
22.3.2013, University of Innsbruck – Claudiana.
- Bettoni, M. (2011) Constructing a Beginning in 1985. Anecdotes
related to my first meeting with Ernst von Glasersfeld in 1985 (in
Milan, Italy).
Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 184-189. Available at:
- Bettoni, M. (2011) Preface to "Ernst von Glasersfeld and the
Italian Operational School. Didactic Implications of Operational
Awareness. by Pino Parini.
Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 140-141. Available at:
- Bettoni, M. & Eggs, C. (2010). User-centred Knowledge
Management: A Constructivist and Socialized View.
Constructivist Foundations 5(3):130-143. Available at:
- Bettoni, M. (2009) Online Communities. A Radical Constructivist
Vortrag & Diskussion an der Universität Bern, Seminar
"Forschungsarbeiten in eLearning und Medienpsychologie" (KWM), Prof. Dr.
R. Groner.
- Bettoni, M. & Eggs, C. (2009) Community Learning in a Network
of Researchers: An Experiment in Socialized Knowledge Management.
Presentation at the 4th International Heinz von Foerster Congress,
Universität Wien, Hauptgebäude, November 12-14, 2009.
- Bettoni M. (2008) Why and How to Avoid Representation.
Constructivist Foundations, 4(1): 15-16. Available at:
- Bettoni M. (2008) The Illusion of Society.
Constructivist Foundations, 3(2): 68-69. Available at:
- Bettoni (2007) Interview über Yerkish. ORF
und & Audio-stream.mp3
ab Minute 3:00)
Sendung "Plaudern mit Menschen und Menschenaffen" von Robert Czepel
(OE1, Redaktion science).
Ausgestrahlt in: OE1, Sendung
"Dimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft", Donnerstag, 22.November 2007
19:05 Uhr.
- Bettoni, M. (2007) How to Chat with an Ape: An Introduction to the
Yerkish Language.
& slides.pdf)
Presentation at Systems Systemics, the 3rd Heinz von
Foerster-Conference, University of Vienna, Nov. 16-18, 2007. Special
section on Ernst von Glasersfeld.
- Bettoni M. (2007) Knowledge as Experiential Reality.
Constructivist Foundations, 3(1): 10-11. Available at:
- Bettoni M. (2007). The Yerkish Language - From Operational
Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication.
Festschrift in honor of Ernst von Glasersfeld. Constructivist
Foundations, 2(2-3): 32-38. Available at:
Also published in: Glanville, R. &
Riegler, A. (Eds.) The Importance of Being Ernst. Festschrift
Ernst von Glasersfeld. Vienna: edition echoraum, p. 107-121.
- Bettoni M. (2005). Mein Wie bestimmt das Was. Eine Auffassung von
Wissen als Logik der Erfahrung
(Vortrag pdf,
Folien pdf,
Vortrag +
Folien pdf)
Vortrag am 2. Internat. Heinz von Förster-Congress, 11.-13. November
2005, Universität Wien
- Bettoni M. (2005). Community Interactions and the Logic of
pdf, 141 KB)
Presented at 1st
International Workshop on Communities and Technologies from a
Constructivist Point of View
organized by Marco Bettoni, Ernst von Glasersfeld & Bernhard von
C&T 2005 - 2nd International Conference on Communities and
Technologies, 13-16 June 2005 Milano, Italy.
- Bettoni M. (2005). Metaphern zwischen Partizipation und
Worksuop am IGST Symposium "Die
Wirklichkeit der Metapher", Heidelberg, 5.-7. Mai 2005,
- Bettoni M. (2004). Kants ‚Analytik der Begriffe’ und ‚Künstliche
Kognitive Systeme’
HTML, Vortrag
Seminar "Die gegenwärtige Bedeutung der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.
Zum Gedenken an seinen 200. Todestag". Universität
Kaliningrad (Königsberg), 12.-13. Februar 2004
- Bettoni M. (2003). Mit Kant fortschreiten in der Künstlichen
In: "Best Publications from Kant Yearbook 1975-2001", S.Kirpakov &
L.Kalinnikov (eds.), Kaliningrad (Königsberg), 2002,
(russian translation by V. Bryushinkin, Head of the Dept. of Philosophy
and Logic).
- Bettoni M. (2002). Promoting Human Factors in Team Interactions
("Die Förderung von Humanfaktoren in Teaminteraktionen)
Part 1: Foundations of Constructivism; Part 2: Constructivist Team
Presentation English & Deutsch, 30.09.2002 & 01.10.2002, Seminar
"Human Aspects in Medicine", Basel University Hospital (Kantonsspital),
Anesthesia Department
- Bettoni M. (2001). Creatività e responsabilità nella mente vista
da un cibernetico
& lucidi.htm)
Relazione al Rotary International, Distretto 2040, Club "Parchi Alto
Milanese" Martedì, 5. Giugno 2001, ore 22.00 - 23.00
- Bettoni M. (2001). Von Kant lernen Roboter zu bauen
Vortrag am Kolloquium 2001: "Kant, der Geist und die Moderne",
Philosophische Gesellschaft Bern, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, 3009 Bern -
Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2001.
- Bettoni M. (2001). Eine konstruktivistische 'Wissensperspektive'
als Grundlage vonWissensmanagement
Vortrag im Kurs 'Konstruktives Wissensmanagement' - Universität Zürich -
Weiterbildung, 13.9.2001
- Bettoni M. (2001). Eine Auffassung von Wissen auf der Grundlage
von Kants Kognitionstheorie.
Vortrag im Kurs 'Konstruktives Wissensmanagement' - Universität Zürich -
Weiterbildung, 12.3.2001.
- Bettoni M. (2001) Applying Constructivist Knowledge Engineering
for Building a Rule-Based System
4th International Business Rules Forum 2001 Conference, Hyatt Regency,
New Orleans, USA - November 5-8, 2001
- Bettoni M. (2000) The "Attentional Quantum" Model of Human Cognition
Atlantic City, NJ, USA - February 27 - March 3, 2000
- Bettoni M. (2000). Learning from Kant How To Construct Robots.
Suggestions for an Engineering Approach to the Analytic of Concepts.
IX. Internat. Kant-Kongress, Berlin, 26.3 - 31.3.2000 - Section 18; Kant
und die Folgen
- Bettoni M. (2000). Eine Konstruktivistische Interpretation von
Kants Kognitionstheorie.
von Siegfried J. Schmidt & Kapitel.pdf)
In: Delfin 1998/99, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, stw 1503, S.
151-172, Dezember 2000
- Bettoni M. (1999). Ich modelliere meine Erfahrung, nicht die
unabhängige Realität.
& Vortrag.htm)
ETH Zürich - Umweltnaturwissenschaften - Gesellschaft und
Ökologie - Vortrag 7. 1. 1999
- Bettoni M. (1998). The "Attentional Quantum" Model
of Concepts and Objects.
ETH / UNI Zürich - Institute of Neuroinformatics - Talk August
- Bettoni M. (1998). Fondamenti di Neuroinformatica: la concezione
attenzionale della mente.
Rotary International - Distretto 2040 - Club "Parchi Alto Milanese" - 6.
Ottobre 1998
- Bettoni M., Ottiger, R. & Todesco, R. (1998). Dialog über
Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften (EuS), 9 (1998) 4, S. 511-513.
von Glasersfeld E. Replik, Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften
(EuS), 9 (1998) 4, S. 582-583.
- Bettoni M. (1998). Constructivist Foundations of Modeling - A
Kantian perspective.
Internat. Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol 12, Number 8, August
1998, p. 577-595
- Bettoni M. (1997). Il modello di attività mentale di Kant
da un punto di vista "metodologico-operativo"
Quinto Intrattenimento Metodologico-Operativo /
Rimini, 8-13.9.1997
- Bettoni M. (1997). Eine konstruktivistische Interpretation von
Kants Kognitionstheorie (Überarbeitete, erweiterte Fassung)
Universität Zürich, Kurs "Konstruktivismus und Systemtheorie", 14.
Oktober 1997
- Bettoni M. (1995). Software Engineering with Kant: Priciples of a
constructivist modelling approach.
Workshop at Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle, Ecole Polytechnique
Federale (EPFL), 27. April 1995.
- Bettoni M. (1995). Kant and the Software Crisis: Suggestions for
the construction of human-oriented software systems",
in: AI & Society 9 (1995) p. 396-401.
Russian version in: Kant Yearbook 1995 (Kantovski sbornik), Vol.19, S.
- Bettoni M. (1993). Kant and the Software Crisis: Suggestions for
the construction of human-oriented software systems"
VI. Kant-Congress of the University of Königsberg, Section 'Logische
Kantstudien II', 21-24 September, Svetlogorsk (Königsberg).
- Bettoni M. (1992). Ein hierarchisches Funktionsmodell der
Workshop am Kongress 'Die Wirklichkeit des Konstruktivismus',
Heidelberger Institut für Systemische Forschung, Stadthalle Heidelberg.
- Bettoni, M. (1991). Scienza della mente e del cervello,
intelligenza artificiale e l'ipotesi del "quantum attenzionale".
In: M. Giusti & G. Sassi (eds.) Milanopoesia. IX Festival
internazionale di poesia, musica, video, performance, danza e teatro.
Spazio Ansaldo, Milano, 30.9-6.10.1991. Milano: Cooperativa Nuova
Intrapresa. p. 103-105.
- Bettoni M. (1991) Mit Kant fortschreiten in der Künstlichen
Intelligenz (Teil 1).
& Artikel-Russisch.pdf)
In: Kant Yearbook 1991 (Kantovski sbornik), Vol.16, 75-84 (in russian),
Kaliningrad (Königsberg)
- Bettoni M. (1991) Mit Kant fortschreiten in der Künstlichen
Intelligenz (Teil 2).
Vortrag am Internat. Congress on Engineering Design, ICED 91, Section
'Wissensbasierte Systeme', ETH Zürich.
Veröffentlicht in: V. Hubka (Hrsg.) Proc. Internat. Congress on
Engineering Design, ICED 91, 1249-1254, Heurista Verlag, Zürich.
- Bettoni M. (1990). A Computer Language for Knowledge
Representation based on Patterns of Mental Quanta.
Presented at the 8th Intern. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems,
Section 'Mechanisms of Cognition', Hunter College, New York.
- Bettoni M. (1990). Cybernetics Applied to Kant's Architecture of
In: G. Funke (Hrsg.) Akten des 7. Internationalen Kant-Kongress, Band
II.2, 723-741, Bouvier Verlag, Bonn, 1991
- Bettoni M. (1989). Come funziona la mente: Il modello attenzionale
die Silvio Ceccato,
Relazione per la Società Dante Alighieri, Baden.
- Bettoni M. (1989). Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling with Kant's
Object Model"
Presentation at the II. Workshop of the Journal Methodologia, Patti
(Messina, Italy)
- Bettoni M. (1988). Principles of a 'Semantic Logic' and their
Implications for Knowledge Representation.
Presented at the 4th Int. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics and
Cybernetics, Section 'Knowledge Representation', Kongresshaus
- Bettoni M. (1988). Wissensverarbeitung durch binäre Operationen,
Seminar, Universität Siegen, Institut von Prof. Siegfried J.
- Bettoni M. (1988). Microoperations of the mind system.
Presented at the 7th Intern. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems,
Imperial College, London,
Published in: Proc. 7th Int. Cong. of Cybernetics and Systems, Vol.2, P.
767 - 778, Thales Publ., Lyntham St.Annes, England.
- Bettoni M. (1987). Binary Operations of Human Information
Presented at the 1st European Congress of the American Society for
Cybernetics, University of St.Gallen (HSG).
- Bettoni M. (1986). Concentrazione,
paradigma del 'centro momentaneo' e operazioni mentali.
in: Critica
Sociale delle Scienze, Nr.3, Milano,
p. 17-21
- Bettoni M. (1985). A Psychological
Basis for Human Information Processing: Mental Operations between
Receptors and Effectors in the Approach of Silvio Ceccato.
Research Report, ca. 120 pages, Institute for Methods and Structures,
updated 5.12.2023 / M. Bettoni