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Operational closure and autopoiesis (2)
- radically changed view: living systems and nervous systems as operationally closed
- the nervous system operates as a closed network of interactions (1967-68)
- external sensory and effector surfaces are also areas of the closed system: the medium
is merely the link through which these areas interact
- as the organism interacts with its medium, its nervous system undergoes changes that are
only triggered and not determined by the external elements
- all that the organism does (behavior) is to perform sensory/effector correlations which
are not determined by "instructions" from the medium
- the nervous system does not extract "informations" from the medium and cannot
operate with representations of the medium
- the product of the functioning of the components is the same functioning organization
that produces them
©1998,M.Bettoni,CZM,Fachhochschule beider
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